Documentation for this module may be created at Module:languages/data3/c/doc
local u = mw.ustring.char
-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE = u(0x0300)
local ACUTE = u(0x0301)
local CIRC = u(0x0302)
local TILDE = u(0x0303)
local MACRON = u(0x0304)
local BREVE = u(0x0306)
local DOTABOVE = u(0x0307)
local DIAER = u(0x0308)
local CARON = u(0x030C)
local DGRAVE = u(0x030F)
local INVBREVE = u(0x0311)
local DOTBELOW = u(0x0323)
local RINGBELOW = u(0x0325)
local CEDILLA = u(0x0327)
local Cyrl = {"Cyrl"}
local Deva = {"Deva"}
local Latn = {"Latn"}
local m = {}
m["caa"] = {
otherNames = {"Chorti"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cab"] = {
ancestors = {"awd-taa-pro"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cac"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cad"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cae"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["caf"] = {
"Southern Carrier",
scripts = Latn,
m["cag"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cah"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["caj"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cak"] = {
otherNames = {"Cakchiquel", "Kakchiquel", "Cachiquel"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cal"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cam"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["can"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cao"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cap"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["caq"] = {
"Car Nicobarese",
otherNames = {"Car"},
scripts = Latn,
m["car"] = {
"Galibi Carib",
otherNames = {"Carib", "Caribe", "Cariña", "Galibi", "Galibí", "Kalihna", "Kali'na", "Kalinya", "Maraworno", "Marworno"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cas"] = {
otherNames = {"Chimané", "Mosetén"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cav"] = {
otherNames = {"Cavinena"},
scripts = Latn,
m["caw"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cax"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cay"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["caz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cbb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cbc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cbd"] = {
otherNames = {"Carihona", "Karijona", "Karihona", "Jianacoto", "Jianácoto", "Hianakoto", "Hianacoto", "Hianákoto", "Guaque", "Omagua", "Umaua", "Umawa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cbg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cbi"] = {
otherNames = {"Cha'palaa", "Chapalaa", "Cha'palaachi", "Chapalaachi", "Cayapa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cbj"] = {
"Ede Cabe",
scripts = Latn,
m["cbk"] = {
otherNames = {"Zamboanga Chavacano"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cbl"] = {
"Bualkhaw Chin",
otherNames = {"Bualkhaw"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cbn"] = {
"Nyah Kur",
otherNames = {"Nyahkur"},
scripts = {"Thai"},
sort_key = {
from = {"%p", "[็-๎]", "([เแโใไ])([ก-ฮ])"},
to = {"", "", "%2%1"}},
m["cbo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cbq"] = {
otherNames = {"Tsucuba", "Cuba"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cbr"] = {
otherNames = {"Cashibo", "Cacataibo"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cbs"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cbt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cbu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cbv"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cbw"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cby"] = {
otherNames = {"Caraballo", "Yuri", "Aroje", "Yacumo", "Maku", "Macu", "Macusa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cca"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ccc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ccd"] = {
"Cafundo Creole",
scripts = Latn,
m["cce"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ccg"] = {
"Chamba Daka",
otherNames = {"Samba Daka", "Nakanyare"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cch"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ccj"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ccl"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ccm"] = {
"Malaccan Creole Malay",
scripts = Latn,
m["cco"] = {
"Comaltepec Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["ccp"] = {
scripts = {"Cakm"},
ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},
m["ccr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cda"] = {
m["cde"] = {
scripts = {"Telu"},
ancestors = {"te"},
m["cdf"] = {
scripts = {"Latn", "Beng"},
m["cdg"] = {
m["cdh"] = {
scripts = {"Deva", "Takr"},
m["cdi"] = {
scripts = {"Gujr"},
m["cdj"] = {
m["cdm"] = {
scripts = Deva,
m["cdn"] = {
m["cdo"] = {
"Min Dong",
otherNames = {"Min Dong Chinese"},
scripts = {"Hani"},
ancestors = {"zhx-min-pro"},
m["cdr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cds"] = {
"Chadian Sign Language",
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["cdy"] = {
m["cdz"] = {
scripts = {"Beng"},
m["cea"] = {
"Lower Chehalis",
scripts = Latn,
m["ceb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ceg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cen"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cet"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cfa"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cfd"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cfg"] = {
"Como Karim",
scripts = Latn,
m["cfm"] = {
"Falam Chin",
otherNames = {"Falam"},
scripts = {"Beng", "Latn"},
m["cga"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cgc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cgg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cgk"] = {
m["chb"] = {
m["chc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["chd"] = {
"Highland Oaxaca Chontal",
otherNames = {"Oaxaca Chontal", "Oaxacan Chontal", "Chontal", "Tequistlatec", "Mountain Tequistlateco", "Highland Chontal", "Mountain Chontal"},
scripts = Latn,
m["chf"] = {
"Tabasco Chontal",
scripts = Latn,
m["chg"] = {
scripts = {"Arab"},
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}
m["chh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["chj"] = {
"Ojitlán Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["chk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["chl"] = {
scripts = Latn,
entry_name = {
from = {"Á", "á", "É", "é", "Í", "í", "Ó", "ó", "Ú", "ú", MACRON},
to = {"A", "a", "E", "e", "I", "i", "O", "o", "U", "u"}} ,
m["chm"] = {
"Eastern Mari",
otherNames = {"Meadow Mari", "Lowland Mari", "Midland Mari", "Standard Mari", "Upo Mari", "Mari", "Mari (Russia)"},
scripts = Cyrl,
translit_module = "chm-translit",
override_translit = true,
wikimedia_codes = {"mhr"},
entry_name = {
from = {GRAVE, ACUTE},
to = {}} ,
m["chn"] = {
"Chinook Jargon",
scripts = {"Latn", "Dupl"},
m["cho"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["chp"] = {
otherNames = {"Dëne Sųłiné", "Dënesųłiné", "Dëne", "Dene Suline", "Denesuline", "Dene"},
scripts = Latn,
m["chq"] = {
"Quiotepec Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["chr"] = {
scripts = {"Cher"},
translit_module = "Cher-translit",
m["cht"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["chw"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["chx"] = {
scripts = Deva,
m["chy"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["chz"] = {
"Ozumacín Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["cia"] = {
scripts = {"Hang", "Latn"},
m["cib"] = {
"Ci Gbe",
scripts = Latn,
m["cic"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cid"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cie"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cih"] = {
scripts = Deva,
m["cik"] = {
"Chitkuli Kinnauri",
m["cim"] = {
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"bar"},
m["cin"] = {
"Cinta Larga",
scripts = Latn,
m["cip"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cir"] = {
otherNames = {"Tîrî", "Ciri", "Tinrin", "Méa", "Haméa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ciy"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cja"] = {
"Western Cham",
scripts = {"Arab"},
m["cje"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cjh"] = {
"Upper Chehalis",
scripts = Latn,
m["cji"] = {
scripts = Cyrl,
m["cjk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cjm"] = {
"Eastern Cham",
scripts = {"Cham"},
m["cjn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cjo"] = {
"Ashéninka Pajonal",
scripts = Latn,
m["cjp"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cjs"] = {
scripts = Cyrl,
m["cjv"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cjy"] = {
otherNames = {"Jinyu", "Jinhua", "Jinese", "Shanxinese", "Jin Chinese", "Jinyu Chinese"},
scripts = {"Hani"},
ancestors = {"ltc"},
m["ckb"] = {
"Central Kurdish",
otherNames = {"Sorani"},
scripts = {"ku-Arab"},
ancestors = {"ku"},
translit_module = "ckb-translit",
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0650), u(0x0652)},
to = {}} ,
m["ckh"] = {
otherNames = {"Sak"},
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"kdv"},
m["ckl"] = {
otherNames = {"Chibuk", "Chibok", "Chibbak", "Chibbuk", "Kyibaku", "Kibbaku", "Kibaku"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ckn"] = {
"Kaang Chin",
otherNames = {"Kaang"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cko"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ckq"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ckr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cks"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ckt"] = {
scripts = Cyrl,
m["cku"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ckv"] = {
otherNames = {"Kebalan"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ckx"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cky"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ckz"] = {
"Cakchiquel-Quiché Mixed Language",
otherNames = {"Cauque Mayan"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cla"] = {
otherNames = {"Bokkos", "Daffo-Butura", "Shagawu"},
scripts = Latn,
m["clc"] = {
otherNames = {"Tsilhqot'in", "Tsilhqut'in", "Tzilkotin"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cld"] = {
"Chaldean Neo-Aramaic",
scripts = {"Syrc"},
m["cle"] = {
"Lealao Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["clh"] = {
m["cli"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["clj"] = {
"Laitu Chin",
otherNames = {"Laitu"},
m["clk"] = {
otherNames = {"Idu-Mishmi", "Idu Mishmi"},
scripts = {"Tibt"},
m["cll"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["clm"] = {
otherNames = {"Clallam", "S'Klallam"},
scripts = Latn,
m["clo"] = {
"Lowland Oaxaca Chontal",
otherNames = {"Oaxaca Chontal", "Oaxacan Chontal", "Chontal", "Huamelultec", "Huamelula Chontal", "Coastal Chontal"},
scripts = Latn,
m["clt"] = {
"Lautu Chin",
otherNames = {"Lautu"},
m["clu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["clw"] = {
otherNames = {"Chulim", "Chulym-Turkic", "Küerik", "Chulym Tatar", "Melets Tatar"},
scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl"},
m["cly"] = {
"Eastern Highland Chatino",
scripts = Latn,
m["cma"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cme"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cmg"] = {
"Classical Mongolian",
scripts = {"Mong"},
ancestors = {"xng"},
translit_module = "mn-translit",
m["cmi"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cml"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cmm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cmn"] = {
otherNames = {"Mandarin Chinese", "Putonghua", "Guoyu", "Huayu", "Guanhua", "Beifanghua", "Standard Chinese"},
scripts = {"Hani", "Latn"},
ancestors = {"ltc"},
wikimedia_codes = {"zh"},
m["cmo"] = {
"Central Mnong",
m["cmr"] = {
"Mro Chin",
otherNames = {"Mro-Khimi Chin", "Mro", "Mro-Khimi"},
m["cms"] = {
otherNames = {"Messapian"},
scripts = Latn, -- when documented here; otherwise written in a native script
m["cmt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cna"] = {
scripts = {"Tibt"},
m["cnb"] = {
"Chinbon Chin",
otherNames = {"Chinbon"},
m["cnc"] = {
m["cng"] = {
"Northern Qiang",
m["cnh"] = {
otherNames = {"Haka Chin", "Haka"},
m["cni"] = {
otherNames = {"Ashaninka"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cnk"] = {
"Khumi Chin",
otherNames = {"Khumi", "Khami", "Nisay", "Nise", "Eastern Khumi", "Eastern Khumi Chin"},
m["cnl"] = {
"Lalana Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["cno"] = {
m["cns"] = {
"Central Asmat",
scripts = Latn,
m["cnt"] = {
"Tepetotutla Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["cnu"] = {
otherNames = {"Shenwa"},
m["cnw"] = {
"Ngawn Chin",
otherNames = {"Ngawn"},
m["cnx"] = {
"Middle Cornish",
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"oco"},
m["coa"] = {
"Cocos Islands Malay",
scripts = Latn,
m["cob"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["coc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cod"] = {
otherNames = {"Kokama", "Kokáma", "Cocama-Cocamilla", "Kukama-Kukamiria", "Cocamilla", "Kokamíya", "Cocaima"},
scripts = Latn,
m["coe"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cof"] = {
otherNames = {"Colorado", "Tsáchila"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cog"] = {
scripts = {"Thai", "Khmr"},
sort_key = {
from = {"%p", "[็-๎]", "([เแโใไ])([ก-ฮ])"},
to = {"", "", "%2%1"}},
m["coh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["coj"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cok"] = {
"Santa Teresa Cora",
scripts = Latn,
m["col"] = {
otherNames = {"Columbia-Wenatchee", "Columbia-Moses", "Nxaamxcin", "Wenatchi", "Wenatchee"},
scripts = Latn,
m["com"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["con"] = {
otherNames = {"Cofan", "Kofan", "Kofane", "A'ingae", "Maku", "Macu"},
scripts = Latn,
m["coo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cop"] = {
otherNames = {"Akhmimic", "Assiutic", "Bashmuric", "Bohairic", "Faiyumic", "Fayyumic", "Lycopolitan", "Memphitic", "Mesokemic", "Oxyrhynchite", "Sahidic", "Subakhmimic", "Thebaic"}, -- Akhmimic etc are names of dialects which are currently, pending any suggestion that we should do otherwise, subsumed into this code
scripts = {"Copt"},
translit_module = "Copt-translit",
ancestors = {"egx-dem"},
entry_name = {
from = { "ˋ", GRAVE, MACRON, },
to = {},
sort_key = "cop-sortkey",
m["coq"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cot"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cou"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cov"] = {
"Cao Miao",
m["cow"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cox"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["coy"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["coz"] = {
otherNames = {"Chocho", "Chocholtec"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cpa"] = {
"Palantla Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["cpb"] = {
"Ucayali-Yurúa Ashéninka",
scripts = Latn,
m["cpc"] = {
"Ajyíninka Apurucayali",
scripts = Latn,
m["cpg"] = {
"Cappadocian Greek",
otherNames = {"Cappadocian"},
scripts = {"polytonic", "fa-Arab"},
ancestors = {"grc"},
translit_module = "grc-translit",
sort_key = { -- Keep this synchronized with el, grc, pnt
from = {"[ᾳάᾴὰᾲᾶᾷἀᾀἄᾄἂᾂἆᾆἁᾁἅᾅἃᾃἇᾇ]", "[έὲἐἔἒἑἕἓ]", "[ῃήῄὴῂῆῇἠᾐἤᾔἢᾒἦᾖἡᾑἥᾕἣᾓἧᾗ]", "[ίὶῖἰἴἲἶἱἵἳἷϊΐῒῗ]", "[όὸὀὄὂὁὅὃ]", "[ύὺῦὐὔὒὖὑὕὓὗϋΰῢῧ]", "[ῳώῴὼῲῶῷὠᾠὤᾤὢᾢὦᾦὡᾡὥᾥὣᾣὧᾧ]", "ῥ", "ς"},
to = {"α" , "ε" , "η" , "ι" , "ο" , "υ" , "ω" , "ρ", "σ"}} ,
m["cpi"] = {
"Chinese Pidgin English",
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"en"},
m["cpn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cpo"] = {
otherNames = {"Kpeego", "Kpeen", "Numu"},
m["cps"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cpu"] = {
"Pichis Ashéninka",
scripts = Latn,
m["cpx"] = {
otherNames = {"Pu-Xian", "Puxian Min", "Pu-Xian Min", "Pu Xian", "Pu Xian Chinese", "Putian", "Xinghua", "Hinghwa"},
scripts = {"Hani"},
ancestors = {"zhx-min-pro"},
m["cpy"] = {
"South Ucayali Ashéninka",
scripts = Latn,
m["cqd"] = {
"Chuanqiandian Cluster Miao",
scripts = {"Latn", "Plrd"},
m["cra"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["crb"] = {
"Island Carib",
ancestors = {"awd-taa-pro"},
scripts = Latn,
m["crc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["crd"] = {
"Coeur d'Alene",
scripts = Latn,
m["crf"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["crg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["crh"] = {
"Crimean Tatar",
scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl"},
m["cri"] = {
otherNames = {"Forro", "São Tomense"},
scripts = Latn,
m["crj"] = {
"Southern East Cree",
scripts = {"Cans"},
ancestors = {"cr"},
translit_module = "cr-translit",
m["crk"] = {
"Plains Cree",
scripts = {"Cans", "Latn"},
ancestors = {"cr"},
m["crl"] = {
"Northern East Cree",
scripts = {"Cans"},
ancestors = {"cr"},
translit_module = "cr-translit",
m["crm"] = {
"Moose Cree",
scripts = {"Cans"},
ancestors = {"cr"},
m["crn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cro"] = {
otherNames = {"Apsalooke"},
scripts = Latn,
m["crq"] = {
"Iyo'wujwa Chorote",
scripts = Latn,
m["crr"] = {
"Carolina Algonquian",
scripts = Latn,
m["crs"] = {
"Seychellois Creole",
scripts = Latn,
m["crt"] = {
"Iyojwa'ja Chorote",
scripts = Latn,
m["crv"] = {
otherNames = {"Tutet"},
m["crw"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["crx"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cry"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["crz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["csa"] = {
"Chiltepec Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["csb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"zlw-pom"},
m["csc"] = {
"Catalan Sign Language",
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["csd"] = {
"Chiangmai Sign Language",
m["cse"] = {
"Czech Sign Language",
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["csf"] = {
"Cuban Sign Language",
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["csg"] = {
"Chilean Sign Language",
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["csh"] = {
"Asho Chin",
otherNames = {"Asho"},
m["csi"] = {
"Coast Miwok",
scripts = Latn,
m["csj"] = {
"Songlai Chin",
otherNames = {"Songlai"},
m["csk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["csl"] = {
"Chinese Sign Language",
m["csm"] = {
"Central Sierra Miwok",
scripts = Latn,
m["csn"] = {
"Colombian Sign Language",
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["cso"] = {
"Sochiapam Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["csq"] = {
"Croatian Sign Language",
m["csr"] = {
"Costa Rican Sign Language",
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["css"] = {
"Southern Ohlone",
scripts = Latn,
m["cst"] = {
"Northern Ohlone",
scripts = Latn,
m["csv"] = {
"Sumtu Chin",
otherNames = {"Sumtu"},
m["csw"] = {
"Swampy Cree",
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"cr"},
m["csy"] = {
"Siyin Chin",
otherNames = {"Siyin"},
m["csz"] = {
otherNames = {"Hanis", "Hanis Coos"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cta"] = {
"Tataltepec Chatino",
scripts = Latn,
m["ctc"] = {
otherNames = {"Chetco", "Siletz Dee-ni", "Deeni", "Tututni", "Siletz"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ctd"] = {
"Tedim Chin",
otherNames = {"Tedim", "Tiddim", "Sukte"},
scripts = {"Latn", "Pauc"},
m["cte"] = {
"Tepinapa Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["ctg"] = {
scripts = {"Beng"},
ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},
m["cth"] = {
"Thaiphum Chin",
otherNames = {"Thaiphum"},
m["ctl"] = {
"Tlacoatzintepec Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["ctm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ctn"] = {
scripts = Deva,
m["cto"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ctp"] = {
"Western Highland Chatino",
scripts = Latn,
m["cts"] = {
"Northern Catanduanes Bicolano",
scripts = Latn,
m["ctt"] = {
"Wayanad Chetti",
otherNames = {"Chetti"},
scripts = {"Taml"},
m["ctu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ctz"] = {
"Zacatepec Chatino",
scripts = Latn,
m["cua"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cub"] = {
otherNames = {"Cuveo", "Kubéo", "Kubeo", "Kubéu", "Kubeu", "Cobewa", "Cobéua", "Cobeua", "Kubéwa", "Kubewa", "Kobéua", "Kobeua", "Kobewa", "Pamiwa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cuc"] = {
"Usila Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["cug"] = {
otherNames = {"Chung", "Chungmboko", "Chung-Mboko", "Mboko"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cuh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cui"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cuj"] = {
"Mashco Piro",
scripts = Latn,
m["cuk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cul"] = {
otherNames = {"Kulina", "Kulína", "Kulyna", "Curina", "Corina", "Korina", "Culina-Madijá", "Madijá", "Madija", "Madiha", "Madihá"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cuo"] = {
otherNames = {"Cumanogota", "Cumana", "Cumaná", "Kumana", "Kumaná"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cup"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cuq"] = {
m["cur"] = {
scripts = Deva,
m["cut"] = {
"Teutila Cuicatec",
scripts = Latn,
m["cuu"] = {
"Tai Ya",
scripts = Latn,
m["cuv"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cuw"] = {
m["cux"] = {
"Tepeuxila Cuicatec",
scripts = Latn,
m["cuy"] = {
otherNames = {"Cuitlateco"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cvg"] = {
m["cvn"] = {
"Valle Nacional Chinantec",
scripts = Latn,
m["cwa"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cwb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cwd"] = {
"Woods Cree",
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"cr"},
m["cwe"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cwg"] = {
otherNames = {"Cheq Wong", "Cheq-Wong", "Ceq Wong"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cwt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["cya"] = {
"Nopala Chatino",
scripts = Latn,
m["cyb"] = {
otherNames = {"Cayuvava", "Cayuwaba"},
scripts = Latn,
m["cyo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["czh"] = {
otherNames = {"Huizhou Chinese"},
scripts = {"Hani"}, -- ?
ancestors = {"ltc"},
m["czk"] = {
scripts = {"Hebr"},
ancestors = {"zlw-ocs"},
m["czn"] = {
"Zenzontepec Chatino",
scripts = Latn,
m["czo"] = {
"Min Zhong",
otherNames = {"Min Zhong Chinese"},
scripts = {"Hani"}, -- ?
ancestors = {"zhx-min-pro"},
m["czt"] = {
"Zotung Chin",
otherNames = {"Zotung"},
scripts = Latn,
return m