பகுப்பு:ஆங்கிலம்-காற்புள்ளியுள்ள தலைப்புகள்
"ஆங்கிலம்-காற்புள்ளியுள்ள தலைப்புகள்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 2,583 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- a, an
- aaron’s rod
- abbe’s theory
- abegg’s rule
- abel’s inequality
- abel’s integral equation
- abel’s problem
- abel’s summation method
- abele, wight popular
- abraham’s tree
- abram’s law
- acceptance, clean
- acceptance, conditional
- acceptance, credit
- acceptance, for honour
- acceptance, forged
- acceptance, local
- acceptance, partial
- acceptance, qualified
- access memory, random
- access storage device, direct
- access storage, direct
- access storage, random
- access storage, zero
- access, immediate
- access, random
- access, serial
- account, adjusting
- account, advances
- account, annual adjustment of
- account, application of interest
- account, balance of
- account, bank
- account, bank bills receivable
- account, banker’s cheque
- account, budgetary
- account, capital and revenue
- account, cash credit
- account, central office
- account, charges
- account, circle dead stock
- account, circle suspense
- account, commercial
- account, commission
- account, constituent’s liabilities for acceptance
- account, dead stock
- account, debt
- account, demand drafts received for realization
- account, demand loan
- account, deposit
- account, deposit at call
- account, drafts
- account, drafts paid
- account, employees’ fidelity security
- account, exchange
- account, fixed deposit interest
- account, foreign
- account, general ledger
- account, government draft payable
- account, head cashier’s security
- account, individual
- account, inland bills
- account, inoperative current
- account, inoperative savings bank
- account, inter-office
- account, interest
- account, joint hindu family
- account, judicial deposits
- account, profit and loss
- account, protested bills
- account, public
- account, sales
- account, savings bank
- account, savings bank deposit
- account, savings bank interest
- account, security deposit
- account, settled
- account, short term deposit interest
- account, short term deposits
- account, stamp
- account, state bank of india bill
- account, statement of
- account, stationary
- account, sterling
- account, stock
- account, sub-office
- account, sub-office cash balance
- account, sub-office special contingencies
- account, subsidiary
- account, sundry deposits
- account, suspense
- account, term deposit
- account, transfer of
- account, unrealized cheques
- accountability, corporate
- accounts, authorized major and minor heads
- accounts, confirmation of
- accounts, military
- accounts, reconciliation of
- accounts, reconciliation of departmental
- accounts, unremunerative
- accumulate, stock market
- accumulation area,stock market
- acre’s reaction
- acting in concert,stock market
- action, cause of
- active account,commission deals, etc
- Active,market, management, etc.
- activity, banking
- Actuals, derivative investment
- adam’s catalyst
- add, to
- adder, binary half
- adder, half
- address, absolute
- address, arithmetic
- address, base
- address, direct
- address, indirect
- address, instruction
- address, machine
- address, multi
- address, one
- address, real
- address, reference
- address, relative
- address, specific
- address, variable
- address, virtual
- address, zero level
- addressing, absolute
- administration, letter of
- administration, letters of
- administrative, financial
- Advertorial,advertisement plus editorial
- adware -advertisement,software
- agama, kashmir
- age, copper
- age, iron
- agent, auctioneering
- agent, clearing
- agent, del credere
- agent, exporting
- agent, forwarding
- agent, importing
- agent, sole
- agent, traveling
- agriculturists’ debt relief
- aitken’s formula
- ajowan, bishop’s weed
- algebra, boolean
- algorithm, hashing
- allard’s law
- alliance, triple
- allotment, letter of
- allotment, return of
- allotment, system
- allowance, acting
- allowance, agency area
- allowance, central office
- allowance, city compensatory
- allowance, closing
- allowance, dearness
- allowance, discomfort
- allowance, education
- allowance, fuel
- allowance, godown
- allowance, halting
- allowance, hill
- allowance, mid-academic year transfer
- allowance, officiating
- allowance, permanent transfer
- allowance, project area
- allowance, special
- allowance, split duty
- allowance, traveling and expenses
- allowance, washing
- allowance, water scarcity
- allowed, time
- Alpha,stock market
- alzheimer’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- amount, net payable
- ampere’s principle
- amplifier, buffer
- analysis, cost
- analysis, system
- analyst, programme
- analyst, system
- anchovy, commerson’s (stolephorus commersonii)
- andersen’s disease
- andrade’s creep law
- angstrom’s formula
- antelope, four horned (chowsingha)
- antonoff’s rule
- anvil, farrier’s
- apex of the earth’s way
- application, computer
- appointment, letter
- appointment, officiating