உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்


கட்டற்ற பன்மொழி அகரமுதலியான விக்சனரியில் இருந்து.

This module is exports various general utility functions, which can be used by other modules.


format_categories(categories, lang, sort_key)

Formats a list (table) of category names. The output is a string consisting of all categories with [[Category:...]] applied to each one, and the given sort key added. If the namespace is not the main or Appendix namespace, the output will be an empty string. If no sort key is given:

  1. A default one is generated by using the current subpage name, and by removing hyphens from the beginning (so that suffixes can be sorted without a key).
  2. If a sort key is available for the given language, it is then used to create a sort key that follows the rules for that language.
  3. If the final sort key ends up being identical to PAGENAME (which is the default key used by the software), then it is omitted entirely, so that it can be used in combination with DEFAULTSORT.



This function is used by the {{categorize}}, {{catlangname}} and {{catlangcode}} templates.

local export = {}

local data = mw.loadData("Module:utilities/data")
local notneeded = data.notneeded
local neededhassubpage = data.neededhassubpage

-- A helper function to escape magic characters in a string
-- Magic characters: ^$()%.[]*+-?
function export.pattern_escape(text)
	if type(text) == "table" then
		text = text.args[1]
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "([%^$()%%.%[%]*+%-?])", "%%%1")
	return text

function export.plain_gsub(text, pattern, replacement)
	local invoked = false
	if type(text) == "table" then
		invoked = true
		if text.args then
			local frame = text
			local params = {
				[1] = {},
				[2] = {},
				[3] = { allow_empty = true },
			local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, params)
			text = args[1]
			pattern = args[2]
			replacement = args[3]
			error("If the first argument to plain_gsub is a table, it should be a frame object.")
		if not ( type(pattern) == "string" or type(pattern) == "number" ) then
			error("The second argument to plain_gsub should be a string or a number.")
		if not ( type(replacement) == "string" or type(replacement) == "number" ) then
			error("The third argument to plain_gsub should be a string or a number.")
	pattern = export.pattern_escape(pattern)
	if invoked then
		text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, pattern, replacement)
		return text
		return mw.ustring.gsub(text, pattern, replacement)

Format the categories with the appropriate sort key. CATEGORIES is a list of
	-- LANG is an object encapsulating a language; if nil, the object for
	   language code 'und' (undetermined) will be used.
	-- SORT_KEY is placed in the category invocation, and indicates how the
	   page will sort in the respective category. Normally this should be nil,
	   and a default sort key based on the subpage name (the part after the
	   colon) will be used.
	-- SORT_BASE lets you override the default sort key used when SORT_KEY is
	   nil. Normally, this should be nil, and a language-specific default sort
	   key is computed from the subpage name (e.g. for Russian this converts
	   Cyrillic ё to a string consisting of Cyrillic е followed by U+10FFFF,
	   so that effectively ё sorts after е instead of the default Wikimedia
	   sort, which (I think) is based on Unicode sort order and puts ё after я,
	   the last letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.
	-- FORCE_OUTPUT forces normal output in all namespaces. Normally, nothing
	   is output if the page isn't in the main, Appendix:, Reconstruction: or
	   Citations: namespaces.
function export.format_categories(categories, lang, sort_key, sort_base, force_output, sc)
	if type(lang) == "table" and not lang.getCode then
		error("The second argument to format_categories should be a language object.")

	local title_obj = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()	
	local allowedNamespaces = {
		[0] = true, [100] = true, [114] = true, [118] = true -- (main), Appendix, Citations, Reconstruction

	if force_output or allowedNamespaces[title_obj.namespace] or title_obj.prefixedText == "Wiktionary:Sandbox" then
		local PAGENAME = title_obj.text
		local SUBPAGENAME = title_obj.subpageText
		if not lang then
			lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("und")
		-- Generate a default sort key
		sort_base = lang:makeSortKey(sort_base or SUBPAGENAME, sc)
		if sort_key and sort_key ~= "" then
			-- Gather some statistics regarding sort keys
			if mw.ustring.upper(sort_key) == sort_base then
			sort_key = sort_base
		-- If the sortkey is empty, remove it.
		-- Leave the sortkey if it is equal to PAGENAME, because it still
		-- might be different from DEFAULTSORT and therefore have an effect; see
		-- [[Wiktionary:Grease pit/2020/April#Module:utilities#format categories]].
		if sort_key == "" then
			sort_key = nil
		local out_categories = {}
		for key, cat in ipairs(categories) do
			out_categories[key] = "[[Category:" .. cat .. (sort_key and "|" .. sort_key or "") .. "]]"
		return table.concat(out_categories, "")
		return ""

function export.catfix(lang, sc)
	if not lang then
		require("Module:debug").track("catfix/no lang")
		return nil
	elseif type(lang) ~= "table" then
		require("Module:debug").track("catfix/lang not table")
		return nil
	local canonicalName = lang:getCanonicalName() or error('The first argument to the function "catfix" should be a language object from Module:languages.')
	if sc and not sc.getCode then
		error('The second argument to the function "catfix" should be a script object from Module:scripts.')
	-- To add script classes to links on pages created by category boilerplate templates.
	if not sc then
		sc = data.catfix_scripts[lang:getCode()]
		if sc then
			sc = require("Module:scripts").getByCode(sc)
	return "<span id=\"catfix\" style=\"display:none;\" class=\"CATFIX-" .. mw.uri.anchorEncode(canonicalName) .. "\">" ..
		require("Module:script utilities").tag_text("&nbsp;", lang, sc, nil) ..

function export.catfix_template(frame)
	local params = {
		[1] = {},
		[2] = { alias_of = "sc" },
		["sc"] = {},
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
	local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(args[1]) or require("Module:languages").err(args[1], 1)
	local sc = args.sc
	if sc then
		sc = require("Module:scripts").getByCode(sc) or error('The script code "' .. sc .. '", provided in the second parameter, is not valid.')
	return export.catfix(lang, sc)

-- Not exporting because it is not used yet.
local function getDateTense(frame) 
	local name_num_mapping = {["January"] = 1, ["February"] = 2, ["March"] = 3, ["April"] = 4, ["May"] = 5, ["June"] = 6, 
		["July"] = 7, ["August"] = 8, ["September"] = 9, ["October"] = 10, ["November"] = 11, ["December"] = 12, 
		[1] = 1, [2] = 2, [3] = 3, [4] = 4, [5] = 5, [6] = 6, [7] = 7, [8] = 8, [9] = 9, [10] = 10, [11] = 11, [12] = 12}
	local month = name_num_mapping[frame.args[2]]
	local date = os.time({year = frame.args[1], day = frame.args[3], month = month})
	local today = os.time() -- 12 AM/PM
	local diff = os.difftime(date, today)
	local daylength = 24 * 3600
	if diff < -daylength / 2 then return "past"
		if diff > daylength / 2  then return "future"
		else return "present" end

function export.make_id(lang, str)
	--[[	If called with invoke, first argument is a frame object.
			If called by a module, first argument is a language object. ]]
	local invoked = false
	if type(lang) == "table" then
		if lang.args then
			invoked = true
			local frame = lang
			local params = {
				[1] = {},
				[2] = {},
			local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
			local langCode = args[1]
			str = args[2]
			local m_languages = require("Module:languages")
			lang = m_languages.getByCode(langCode) or m_languages.err(langCode, 1)
		elseif not lang.getCanonicalName then
			error("The first argument to make_id should be a language object.")

	if not ( type(str) == "string" or type(str) == "number" ) then
		error("The second argument to make_id should be a string or a number.")
	local id = require("Module:senseid").anchor(lang, str)
	if invoked then
		return '<li class="senseid" id="' .. id .. '">'
		return id

return export
"https://ta.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Module:utilities&oldid=1992855" இலிருந்து மீள்விக்கப்பட்டது