"ஆங்கிலம்-வானியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 1,178 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- a piscis australis
- a-ok
- a-type rocket
- abell richness classes
- aberration
- ablation shield
- abort sensing and implementation system
- abort sensing and implementation system (asis)
- absolute magnitude
- acceleration, secular
- accretion disc
- acquarius
- acquisition of signal
- active microwave instrument
- advanced along-track scanning radiometer
- advanced communications technology satellite
- advanced composition explorer
- advanced earth-observing satellite
- advanced land observing satellite
- advanced life-support program
- advanced microwave sounder unit
- advanced multi-mission operations system
- advanced radio interferometry between space and earth
- advanced radioisotope power system
- advanced research in telecommunications systems
- advanced satellite for cosmology and astrophysics
- advanced synthetic aperture radar
- advanced very high-resolution radiometer
- aerobee rocket
- aerobraking
- aerodynamic braking
- aerolithic
- aeromotor (aero)
- aeroshell
- aerospace directing and controlling centre
- aerospike
- agenzia spaziale italiana
- aimpoint
- air-sampling system
- airlock
- alh 84001
- all-sky monitor
- along- track scanning radiometer
- alouette
- alpha proton x-ray spectrometer
- american astronautical society
- american institute of aeronautics and astronautics
- ames research center
- analyser of space plasma and energetic atoms
- anik
- announcement of opportunity
- anoaly
- ansari x prize
- anthropic principle
- anti-g garment
- antisuffocation valve
- apollo asteroid
- apollo lunar surface
- apollo project
- apollo telescope mount
- apollo-soyuz test project
- apolune
- applied space technology and microgravity)
- apselene
- apsis
- arabsat
- arc minute ,symbol
- ariane rocket
- arianespace
- arizona mete
- army ballistic missile agency
- artemis
- aryabhata
- asiasat 3, later hgs-1
- assembly, test, and launch operations
- association of specialist technical organizations for space
- asteroid 253
- asteroid 951
- astro observatory
- astro-f
- astrobiology
- astrolatry
- astronaut hall of fame
- astronaut life-support assembly
- astronaut manoeuvring unit
- astronaut wing
- astronomical coordinate system-
- astronomical netherlands satellite
- astrophysics data facility
- astrosat
- athena rocket
- atlantis
- atlas rocket
- atmospheric entry probe
- atmospheric laboratory for applications and science
- atmospheric revitalization rack
- atmospheric structure instrument/meteorology package
- augustine advisory committee
- aussat
- autogenic-feedback training exercise
- automated transfer vehicle
- automatic interplanetary station
- automatic picture transmission
- auxiliary power unit
- avco corporation
- azimuth angle survey
- azimuthal (adj)
- b star
- b tauri
- b-type rocket
- babakin science and research centre
- baikonur cosmodrome
- ballistic descent
- bamberga
- barium star
- barred spiral galaxy
- barringer crater
- bary centre
- barycentric orbit
- baryon to photon ratio
- baykonur cosmodrome
- beagle 2
- becklin-nengebaur object
- belka and strelka
- bell aerosystems
- bell bomi
- bepicolombo
- bepposax
- berthing
- besselian elements
- big dipper
- big four
- binary pulson
- biological isolation garment
- biomedical monitoring sensor
- bioregenerative planetary life-support systems test complex
- biosatellite cosmos
- bl lacerate objects
- blaauw mechanism
- black arrow rocket
- black dwark
- blue band
- blue haze
- blue stragglers
- body flap
- boeing company
- boilerplate
- Bootes
- bow shock crossing
- braking rocket
- brasilsat
- british association of remote- sensing companies
- british interplanetary society
- british national space centre
- built-in hold
- bump cepheid
- buran (spacecraft)
- buran(space craft)
- burp firing
- c-type rocket
- california institute of technology
- caltech
- canadarm
- canadian space agency
- capella
- capsule communicator
- captured rotation
- carbon dioxide removal system
- carbon-carbon
- carbon-detonation supernova model
- carbon-fibre reinforced plastic
- cargo bay
- castor, a star in the gemini constellation
- catalog number
- caterlet
- celestial globe
- centaurus a
- central condensation
- central peak
- centre for earth observation
- centre national d’etudes spatiales
- centre spatial guyanais
- centre tsskb-progress
- cepheid
- challenger
- challenger center for space science education
- challenger centre
- chandra x-ray observatory
- chandrasekhar-schonberg limit
- chandrayaan-1
- channelization
- checkout
- chest pack
- chibis vacuum suit
- china 1 ( mao 1)
- chinastar 1 ( zhongwei 1)
- chryse planitia
- circularization
- cislunar space
- clarke orbit