"ஆங்கிலம்-புள்ளியியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 2,524 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- a optimum
- a priori
- a priori probability
- abridged life table
- abscissa
- absolute
- absolute deviation
- absolute magnitude
- absolute mean
- absolute probability
- absolute sum
- absolutely convergent series
- absorbing barrier
- absorbing state
- abstract
- acceptance
- acceptance inspection
- acceptance line
- acceptance quality level
- acceptance region
- acceptance sampling
- accuracy
- actual
- add
- addition law
- addition theorem of probability
- addition vector
- additive
- additive process
- additive property
- additivity
- adjacent
- adjusted sum of squares
- admissible hypothesis
- admissible solution
- admissible test
- advantages
- age
- age group
- age specific death rate
- age-pyramid
- age-sex specific death rate
- age-specific birth rate
- age-specific death rate
- age, mental
- agglomeration
- aggregate
- aggregate expenditure method
- aggregate index number
- agricultural production
- agricultural statistics
- algebra
- algebraic expression
- algebraic function
- algebraic operations
- algebraic symbol
- algebraic treatment
- algorithm
- alias
- alienation, coefficient of
- allocation
- allocation of sample
- allowable
- almost certain event
- alternate
- alternative hypothesis
- alternative procedure
- analysis
- analysis of co-variance
- analysis of covariance
- analysis of time series
- analysis of variance
- analytic method
- andromeda
- andromeda galaxy
- anechoic chamber
- anelectric
- anemobiagraphy
- anemoclast
- anemoclastic
- anemology
- anemometry
- aneroid
- aneroid barograph
- aneroid dograph
- aneutronic power
- aneutronic reaction
- aneutronic reactor
- angara shield
- angel echo
- angle
- angle bisection
- angle buttress
- angle collar
- angle diversity
- angle equation
- angle fillet
- angle fishplates
- angle globe valve
- angle jamming
- angle joists
- angle measuring equipment
- angle method of adjustment
- angle noise
- angle of advance
- angle of contingence
- angle of current
- angle of cut
- angle of divergence
- angle of external friction
- angle of fall
- angle of geodesic contingence
- angle of impacts
- angle of paddle
- angle of twist
- angle rib
- angle set
- angle shot
- angle stile
- angle structure
- angle tracking noise
- angle-lighting iuminaire
- angle-stem thermometer
- angled stair
- angstrom coefficient
- angstrom compensation pyrheliometer
- angstrom’s formula
- angular aggregate
- angular allowance
- angular clearance
- angular coordinate
- angular cutter
- angular displacement
- angular distortion
- angular error of closure
- angular frequency
- angular gear
- angular impulse
- angular lead
- angular milling
- angular momentum operator
- angular parallax
- angular pitch
- angular resolution
- angular rock fragment
- angular shear
- angular speed
- angular spreading
- angular travel error
- angular wave number
- angular-contact bearing
- angular-spreading factor
- angularity
- anharmonic oscillator spectrum
- anhedral
- anhydrous calcium sulfate
- anhydrous crystal
- anhydrous gypsum plaster
- animal fiber
- animikite
- anionic
- anionotropy
- anisotropic deformation
- anisotropic membrane
- anisotropic shape distortion
- anisotropic surface free energy
- anisotropism
- anisotropy coefficient
- anisotropy constant
- anisotropy energy
- anisotropy in growth rate
- anlace
- annatto
- annealing point
- annealing processes
- annealing technique
- annealing temperature
- annealing twin
- annihilator
- annotated photograph
- annual changes
- annual flood
- annual inequality
- annual layer
- annual moisture index
- annual storage
- annual temperature ring
- annular conductor
- annular drainage pattern
- annular effect
- annular solid
- annular transistor
- annular vault
- annulated shaft
- annulet
- annulus conjecture
- annunciator
- anode balancing coil
- anode dark space
- anode detector