"ஆங்கிலம்-மரபியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 2,394 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- aberration
- abiogenesis, abiogeny
- abortion
- absorbance
- absorptivity
- acarpous
- accessory chromosomes
- accidental evolution
- acclimation
- acclimatization
- acentric
- acentric dicentric translocation
- acentric fragment
- acentric inversion
- achievement quotient
- achromasie
- achromat
- achromatic figure (spindle)
- achromatin
- achromatoplasm
- achrosome (acrosome)
- acidophil
- acquired character
- acroblast
- acrosome (acrosome)
- activity-range
- adaptation
- adaptive radiation
- additive factors (cumulative factors)
- additive gene
- additive genes
- adermin
- adrenosterone
- aegilops
- affinity
- affinity (attraction), differential
- affinity (attraction), pairing
- afterbirth
- agameon
- agamete
- agamic (agamous)
- agamospecies (agameon)
- agamospermy
- age and area
- agouti pattern
- agro-ecotype
- agrotype
- airey disc, airy disc
- akaryote
- akinete
- albinism
- albino
- albinotic
- alecithal
- aleurone
- allaesthetic
- allaesthetic characters
- allantoin
- allele
- allelic
- allelism
- allelomorph (allele)
- allelomorphism (allelism)
- allens rule
- allesthetic characters
- allocarpy
- allochronic species
- allochthonous
- allogamous (cross fertilized)
- allogamy (cross fertilization)
- allogene (recessive allele)
- allogenous flora
- alloheteroploid
- alloiogenesis, alloiobiogenesis
- allometry
- allomorphosis
- allopatric
- allopatric hybridization
- alloplasm
- allopolyploid
- allosomal inheritance
- allosome
- allosynapsis, allosyndesis
- allotetraploid
- allotriploid
- alloxan
- alternate
- alternation of generations
- alternative inheritance (allelism)
- altmanns granules (mitochondria)
- ambisporangiate
- ameiosis
- ament (catkin)
- amitosis
- amperometric titration
- amphiapomict
- amphiaster
- amphibivalent
- amphiblastic
- amphicarpous
- amphidiploid (allotetraploid)
- amphimict
- amphimictic population
- amphimixis
- amphinucloelus
- amphiont (zygote)
- amphiplasty
- amphitene (zygotene)
- amphogenic
- amplitude
- ampulla of henle
- amyloid
- amyloplast
- anamorphous
- anaphase
- anaplast, anaplastid (amyloplast)
- anaschistic
- anastomosis
- androecium
- androgen
- androgenesis
- androgenetic
- androgenic
- androgyne (hemaphrodite)
- androgynism (hermaphroditism)
- andromonoecious
- androsome
- androstenediol
- androstenedione
- androsterone
- anemophilous
- anemophily
- aneucentric translocation
- aneuploid (heteroploid)
- aneuploidy
- angstrom
- anhydro-hydroxy-progesterone
- anisogamete
- anisogamy
- anisogenous
- anisogeny
- anisoploid
- anisopolyploidy
- anisotropic bands
- anisotropy
- anlage (primodium)
- anoestrum (anoestrus)
- anovular menstruation
- anther
- antheridial mother-cell
- anthesis
- anthropogenesis
- anti-haemorrhagic vitamin (vitamin k)
- anti-neuritic vitamin (vitamin b1)
- anti-nyctalopia vitamin (vitamin a)
- anti-rachitic vitamin (vitamin d)
- anti-recapitulation
- anti-scorbutic vitamin (vitamin c)
- anti-sterility vitamin (vitamin e)
- anti-xerophthalmia vitamin (vitamin a)
- antibodies
- anticipation
- antigen
- antipodal cone
- antiserum
- antithetic generations
- apatetic colouration
- apetalous
- aphallism
- apocarpy
- apocyte
- apogamous
- apogamy
- apogeny
- apogyny
- apomeiosis
- apomict
- apomixis (apogamy)
- apopetalous (polypetalous)
- aporogamy
- aposematic colouration
- aposeme
- apospory
- apyrene
- archebiosis
- archespore (archesporium)
- archetype
- archiplasm, archoplasm
- arfgerð
- armogenesis, (armogony)
- aromorphosis
- arrhenogenic
- arrhenoplasm
- arrhenotoky
- artefect, artifact
- artemia
- artenkreis
- artificial insemination
- aschheim-zondek test