"ஆங்கிலம்-பொருளியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 1,456 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- abatement
- ability to pay
- ability to save
- abrasion
- absentee land lord
- absolute advantage
- absolute income hypothesis
- absolute value
- abstinence theory
- abstraction
- acceleration principle
- acceptance credit
- acceptance house
- acceptance of bill
- acceptor
- accommodation bill
- accounting price
- active trade balance
- actual growth rate
- ad valore duty
- ad valorem
- additional duty of excise
- adjudication
- administered prices
- administrative service
- advertising elasticity of demand
- agio
- agio theory of interest
- agricultural commission
- agricultural credit
- agricultural debt relief act
- agricultural economics
- agricultural finance
- agricultural income tax
- agricultural marketing
- agricultural produce
- aldermen
- alienation
- allocation of resources
- alternate demand
- alternate supply
- alternative budget
- alternative cost
- alternative uses
- amalgamation
- amortization fund
- anarchism
- ancillary industry
- ancillary service
- annual financial statement
- annual report
- annual return
- annuity
- anthropologist
- anti trust
- anti-corn law league
- anti-inflationary tax policy
- anti-inflationary taxation
- apex cooperative society
- apparent value
- applied economics
- apportionment
- appraisal
- appreciation
- arable land
- arbitrage
- arbitration council
- arc elasticity
- area agreement
- arithmetic progression
- artisan
- asiatic mode of production
- assembly line technique
- assessable income
- assumption
- astronomical theory of business cycle
- audit
- austerity programme
- autachy
- authorised capital
- automatic measures
- automation
- autonomous
- autonomous investment
- average fixed cost
- average revenue
- average total cost
- average variable cost
- avoidance of tax
- axiom
- backward area
- backward integration
- backward linkage
- backward shifting
- bad and doubtful debts
- bajra
- balance of payments
- balance of trade
- balance sheet
- balanced budget
- balanced growth
- bank account
- bank balance
- bank charges
- bank credit
- bank deposit
- bank discount
- bank draft
- bank liability
- bank of issue
- bank pass book
- bank rate
- bank reserves
- bank run
- bankers bank
- banking companies act
- banking department
- banking habit
- banking regulations act (1949)
- banking school
- banking systems
- bankruptcy
- bargaining
- barter
- base year
- bear (share market)
- bearer
- begger myneighbour policy
- behavioural economics
- beneficiary
- benefit taxation
- benefit theory
- betterment levy
- bi-metallism
- bilateral monopoly
- bilateral oligoploy
- bilateral trade
- bilateralism
- bill at sight
- bill brokers
- bill market scheme
- bill of lading
- bill rate
- birth rate
- black market
- blockade
- board of directors
- board of trade
- bond
- boom
- bottleneck
- bounty
- bourse
- boycott
- branch banking
- brand
- brassage
- breach of contract
- break-even point
- brokerage
- budget estimate
- buffer stock
- built-in-stabilizers
- bull (stock market)
- bullion
- burden of incidence of (tax)
- bushel
- business combination
- business cycle
- business economics
- business organization
- business profits tax
- business saving
- buyers market
- buyers monopoly
- by laws
- by products
- call rates
- called up capital
- cambridge equation
- cambridge school
- canon
- canon of adequacy
- canon of certainty
- canon of convenience
- canon of economy
- canon of elasticity
- canon of productivity
- canons of taxation
- capital account
- capital accumulation
- capital appreciation
- capital assets
- capital budget
- capital coefficient
- capital consumption
- capital deepening
- capital efficiency
- capital expenditure
- capital flight