"ஆங்கிலம்-கட்டுமானவியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 3,182 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- abacus
- abutment wall
- access eye
- access road
- accordion
- acid-proof floortile
- acid-resisting brick
- actual output
- adhesion
- adhesion force
- adhesive
- adjacent property
- adjoin
- adjusting pin
- adjusting screw
- admissible load
- admissible stress
- adze
- air box
- air bubble between the marks
- air chamber
- air channel
- air cube
- air dry
- air duct
- air entrained concrete
- air entraining agent
- air flue
- air grate
- air hole of a collar
- air inlet
- air level
- air mortar
- air pipe
- air proof
- air pump
- air renewal
- air resistant
- air space
- air tight
- air true to level
- aisle
- alcove
- alignment
- alkaline proof
- alluvion
- almshouse
- aluminium-cement
- analysis of structure
- anchor (motor)
- anchor slot bolt
- anchor without buoy
- anchorage
- Anchorage
- ancone
- angle bar
- angle lever
- angle of a roof
- angle of friction
- angle of inclination
- angle of repose
- angle of slope
- angle rafter
- angular finish
- angular point
- angular welding
- anneal
- annex (e) to a building
- annual ring of growth
- annular
- annular barrel bolt
- antechamber
- anteroom
- anticorrosive protection
- antique glass
- anvil
- apartment
- aperture
- apex of the gable
- apex stone
- application point
- approval of plans
- aqueous vapor
- araeostyle
- arbour
- arcade
- arch bar
- archery-house
- architectural form
- architectural order
- architectural symbolism
- architrave
- armed beam
- armoured
- armouring
- artesian water
- artesian well
- articulated coupling
- artificial foundation
- artificial stone
- asbestos cement
- asbestos paint
- ascending pipe
- ash drawer
- ash pit
- ashlar
- asphalt
- asphalt mastic
- asphalt tile
- asphalt varnish
- asphaltic felt
- assemble
- assembling
- astragal
- atlantes
- atrip
- attic
- auger
- auxiliary construction
- auxiliary work
- avenue
- awning
- axial load
- axial pressure
- b.th.u
- back dike (dyke)
- back facade
- back hearth
- bad level
- bad morter
- bad soil
- badger hair pencil (brush)
- baked bond
- baked brick
- baked facing
- baked floor
- balancing window
- balcony door
- baldachin baldaquin
- ball bearing
- ball hammer
- ball roller
- ball tap
- ballast bed
- baluster
- balustrade
- balustre
- band saw
- band stand
- band steel
- bandstone
- baniser
- bank protection
- bank screw
- banquette
- baptistery baptistry
- bar construction
- bar iron
- bar joint
- bar section
- bar tension
- barb bolt
- barb wire
- barforce
- barframe
- barge baord
- barrack
- barrage
- barrel vault
- barricade
- basalt
- basaltine concrete flag
- bascule
- bascule bridge
- basculing bridge
- base of a column
- basement
- bat (glass wool bat)
- bat (to a frame)
- bat of 3\4 brick
- batch
- bath room
- bath tile
- bathing tub
- batten
- batten door
- battlement
- bay
- bay window
- bay work
- bead
- beaded board
- beading hammer
- beak (of a cornice)
- beam compass
- bearer
- bearer of a gutter
- bearing pedestal
- bearing plate