"ஆங்கிலம்-மண்ணியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 2,741 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- abney level
- abrasion
- abrasive material
- abrasive stone
- absolute
- absolute humidity
- absolute velocity
- absorption
- abut
- abutment
- abutting
- abyssal deposits
- acceleration head
- accelerator
- accessary mineral
- acclimatic soil
- acclimatisation
- accoustic property
- accretion
- acre
- actinometer
- activated sludge process
- acute angle crossing
- adamantine lustre
- adhesion
- adhesive force
- adhesive strength
- adit
- admixure
- adsorption
- advection
- adverse slope
- aeolian deposit
- aeolian rocks
- Aeolian rocks
- aerated
- aeration
- aerial photography
- aerial space
- aerial survey
- aerial transportation
- aerial transportation system
- aerial view
- aerobe
- aerodynamics
- aerofoil
- aerology
- aeronatical
- agglomerate
- aggrading river
- aggregate
- agitating
- agonic line
- agrarian geography
- air content
- air currents
- air entrained concrete
- air entrainment
- air field
- air gap
- air port
- air vent
- air void
- alimentation
- alkali
- alkaline water
- allogenic deposit
- allowable stress
- alluvial bench
- alluvial cone
- alluvial deposit
- alluvial fan
- alluvial placer
- alluvial plain
- alluvial soil
- alluvial terrace
- alluvium
- altimeter
- altitude
- amalgam
- amethyst
- amplitude
- amygdule
- anaerobe
- analcime
- analcite
- analyser
- analysis
- anchorage
- angle
- angle of elevation
- angle of internal friction
- angle of kinetic friction
- angle of momentum
- angle of projection
- angle of repose
- angle of static friction
- angle section
- annular space
- anomaly
- antecedent anthracite
- antecedent drainage
- antecedent platform
- anticlock wise
- anticyclone
- antiferromagnet
- aphellion
- apogee
- apophyses
- apparant solar time
- applied climatology
- approach road
- apron protective
- aqueaduct
- aquiclude
- aquifer
- aquifuge
- arch
- arch centering
- arch culvert
- arch dam
- argillaceous
- argillite
- arjun
- armoured mud ball
- art gallery
- artesian well
- artificial horizon
- asbestos
- ash pit
- ashiar masonary
- aspect ratio
- asphalt
- assimilation process
- assumption
- asterism
- astronomical triangle
- atmology
- atmosphere
- atoll
- attracting gryone
- attrition
- auditorium
- auger
- auger boring
- aurora
- autogeneous curring
- automorphic
- average annual rainfall
- axial flow turbine
- axial load
- axial strain
- ayacut
- azimuth
- Azotobacter
- babul
- back bearing
- back flow
- back slope
- back water
- back water curve
- backing wind
- backward bearing direction
- backwash
- bacteria
- bad land
- baffle
- baffle block
- baffle board
- baffle pier
- baffle plate
- baffle wall
- bahada
- balanced cross section
- balcony
- ball mill
- ballastic balance
- bamboo
- band
- bar
- barchan
- barograph
- barotropic
- barrage
- barrier reef
- base
- base course
- base line
- base map
- basement
- basic refractory
- basin
- basin (structure)
- batch mixer
- batholite
- batter pile
- beach
- beacon
- bearing capacity (of soil)
- bearing direction